Colombia: Peace at last?
The peace agreement in the Colombian conflict is closer than ever before.
The peace agreement in the Colombian conflict is closer than ever before.
Následující text se zabývá u nás poměrně neznámým a neprobádaným tématem, a sice fenoménem Strany za svobodný život Kurdistánu (PJAK), která působí zejména od roku 2004 v Íránu. PJAK navazuje na řadu hnutí vyjadřujících kurdské kulturní či nacionalistické ambice, jež…
Two months ago a new round of peace talks between the FARC and Colombian government began in Oslo. Regarding the previous unsuccessful attempts and the lenght of this conflict, it is difficult to envisage the possible outcome of negotiations. But…
The ongoing Taliban insurgency does not display any signs of fading. This analyses tries to present overall strategy of Taliban with special regard to its enemy-centric and people centric approach. The origins and ideology of Taliban area discussed as well…