In recent years, the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah has significantly expanded its operating environment. Hezbollah’s criminal networks are spread almost worldwide, generating hundreds of millions of dollars in illegal profits to fund its operations. That is why Hezbollah is currently…

Despite a recently signed ceasefire, the Nagorno-Karabakh war is still an ongoing conflict between the Republic of Armenia and the internationally unrecognised Republic of Arcach, respectively, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, which enjoys substantial military support from the Republic of…

With much attention on containing North Korean nuclear and ballistic missiles programs, the North Korean space program also faces objection from the international community. This article claims to mix of North Korean space program developments with its ballistic missiles program…

The movie Starship Troopers from 1997 directed by Paul Verhoeven is, in my opinion, one of the most underestimated pieces of cinematography.  Although the movie has very few things common with the original book from great American sci-fi author Robert…

Despite many challenges and predictions of failure, the House of Saud has managed to maintain its dominant position in the contemporary political order of Saudi Arabia for more than eight decades. Ideological dynamics have been instrumental in shaping the Saudi…

Post-sovětská Gruzie zažila dvě série konfliktů s Abcházií a Jižní Osetií, které zůstávají nevyřešeny dodnes. Budování gruzínské státnosti během získávání nezávislosti se ukázalo být hrozbou různým minoritním skupinám žijících na území bývalé Gruzínské sovětské socialistické republiky. Sovětský odkaz, vlna nacionalistických ideologií a…